The Grimoire of Metaphysics is a compilation of the metaphysical abilities within Spectrum. These abilities, called manifestations, answer the question “To what extent does the character access the supernatural?”. The Grimoire explains the codified effects of manifestations, which may be rooted in sources such as magic, psionics, contracts with eldritch beings, esoteric energy fields, mutations, superpowers, or something else entirely that defies even these “mundane” conventions.
For ease of reference, the Grimoire groups manifestations into trees which represent the tiered progression into the various categories of metaphysical effects. The rules governing manifestations, and their arrangement in the Grimoire, are intended to remain consistent no matter their nature within the Story. However, that’s not to say that’s the only way it can be done. Choosing metas a la carte allows for a considerable amount of versatility for players, which lends itself well to the traditional dungeon crawler-type adventure. Alternatively, feel free to make custom trees by swapping out metas of an equivalent tier from another tree. Whatever lends itself best to the story you’re trying to tell.
The Power Within
You may have noticed during the character creation process that Aegis is an interesting attribute that has nothing to do with actual metaphysical power. It is an essence of self, a fundamental grounding of a character’s being to the reality they currently find themselves in. As such, even truly mundane characters with a power rating of 0 still find themselves with some measure of Aegis. Storytellers are encouraged to use this attribute in times when metaphysical weirdness abounds and they aren’t quite sure what else to roll.
Anatomy of a Manifestation
Name: The name of the meta.
Tier: Where the meta is located within the meta tree. The higher the tier, the more powerful the meta, and the more expensive it is to learn.
Type: Determines how the meta is invoked. Types include: Instant, Maintained, Ritual, Rune, Imbue, and Wall / Barrier.
Range: The total distance the wielder can target away from themselves when invoking a meta. The range is typically augmented by the power used when invoking the meta. Some long-range metas will have a range multiplier, such as Power x 2 meters, which effectively doubles the targeting range. For example, if the wielder channeled 10 power into the meta, they could target a location, creature, or object within 20 meters of the wielder’s current position.
Alternatively, certain metas do not have any range increment but are either touch-based, where the wielder must touch the target to invoke the meta or the point of origin of the manifestation is the wielder herself.
AoE: The Area of Effect determines how large of an area is affected by the meta when it is invoked. Metas that only affect a single target or the wielder are listed as Self or Target. Other metas have a wider area of effect and are represented as a radius. The size of the affected radius is either static or will scale with power. Additionally, some metas will have a different area of effect, such as an arc or a combination of dimensions.
Description: A description of the meta’s effect. Typically speaking, the description is merely that of the meta’s function. The style in which the meta is invoked and the overall visual effect is stylistic and left to the wielder’s imagination.
Anatomy of a Meta Tree
The meta tree represents a character’s progression of power with a specific type of metaphysical power. As the character’s power increases, so too does their mastery over a chosen element or sphere. The meta trees are represented as an omnidirectional flow chart rather than a top-down, meaning the character may choose to go down one side of the meta tree, and then up the other side. The only prerequisite to learning a new meta is that the character must know at least one adjacent meta in the tree. When a character starts a new meta tree they must begin with the tier 1 manifestation (the topmost meta) and may choose how they progress from there.
Meta trees are divided into tiers, with the topmost row being tier one, the second row being tier two and so on down to the 9th row. Below the 9th row, what would be the 10th tier, is the culmination of that tree’s power, the Ultimate manifestation.
Unlike the other manifestations, the Ultimate power does not have an XP cost to learn, but instead requires the character to have complete mastery over the rest of the tree; namely, they need to learn all of the other metas before they can unlock the Ultimate meta.
Ultimate Cosmic Power!
Of course, it is totally acceptable to allow a character to learn the Ultimate as a reward for mastering the rest of the tree. However, as few ascend to such heights of power and understanding, it might be worth considering how exactly a character acquires this ultimate power, especially if the paradigm is a place where metaphysical powers aren’t incredibly common…
Did someone say epic sidequest?
Metaphysical Effects
Some manifestations have persistent effects after the meta has been invoked. While each meta differs in the actual effect, the structure of the meta is the same and follows the same set of rules. For example, Imbue Fire and Imbue Charge both impart very different elemental effects, but the overall function is the same.
Imbuement represents a wielder’s ability to infuse metaphysical energy into themselves or an object, bestowing an ongoing effect while the manifestation is maintained.
When invoking a meta with Imbue, the wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Self: The wielder charges their own body with the power of the manifestation, adding damage equal to manifestation power to the damage of their unarmed strikes as well as any additional effects from the manifestation.
- Imbue Weapon: The wielder infuses a weapon, adding damage equal to the power of the manifestation to the weapon’s normal damage, as well as imparting any other effects from the meta. Imbuing a ranged weapon imparts the effect on any ammo launched or fired from the Imbued weapon.
- Aura: The wielder creates an aura around themselves or the target that either increases the target’s defensive or offensive capabilities per the manifestation description. The aura extends 0.5 meters from the caster.
When the wielder chooses to imbue an object or bestow an aura, they must touch the target to initiate the manifestation. Once the manifestation is successfully invoked, the effects persist for as long as the manifestation is maintained, regardless of proximity to the wielder.
A Rune is metaphysical power stored within an object or surface with varying effects. When invoking a rune, the user follows the same steps as manifesting a maintained meta. They choose how much power to put into the effect and they must resolve the appropriate amount of backlash. Infusing an object or surface with a Rune is a Simple action, just like a maintained or instant manifestation.
Unlike maintained and instant metas, however, Runes operate on a latent effect, generally detonated by a triggering condition as created by the wielder when invoking the power.
Creating a Rune
In order to create the rune the wielder must be able to touch the object or surface they wish to affix the rune to. When creating the rune, the player may choose how the physical markings of the Rune appear. For example, a Flame rune might appear as a bit of ash smudged in the shape of the elemental symbol for fire. Likewise, a blasting rune might pulse a dull red, glowing faster and brighter as the countdown approaches zero.
Regardless of the physical description, all runes leave a subtle yet visible marker. Characters may make a search roll vs. the power of the Rune. If the character scores more Goal Points than the rune’s power, they are able to discern the rune’s location but not its effect. Conversely, runes shine brightly when viewed by any sort of metaphysical effect that can detect metaphysical energies, such as True Sight or Detect Mana.
When the wielder creates a rune using a learned rune manifestation, they may choose to imbue the manifestation onto a solid surface or an object. As such, the runes can be considered in one of the following two fashions:
- Fixed: The wielder creates the rune on a solid surface such as a floor, wall, or ceiling.
- For example, a wielder may choose to lay a trap for an unwary target by leaving an incendiary rune on the wall, just around the corner from where the target is approaching. Once the target rounds the corner, the rune is activated, treating the unwary follower to a face full of burning flames.
- Unfixed: The wielder creates the rune on a discrete object, which can then be placed, rolled, dropped, or lobbed at a target.
- For example, the wielder is attempting to target enemies behind cover but lacks the necessary line of sight to cast against the enemy. Instead, they imbue a small rock with an Electric rune and toss it over the wall. After making a successful throw check, the imbued stone lands in the middle of the enemy party with a burst of shocking energy, dealing damage to each target within 3 meters of the manifestation, per the manifestation description.
Once the Rune has been successfully invoked, the manifestation is maintainable, regardless of proximity to the wielder.
The wielder also has the option to create a persistent Rune by spending 2 kismet. If invoked in this way, the Rune manifestation does not need to be maintained by the wielder but instead will persist until disarmed or the triggering condition is met. However, the wielder also loses control over the rune in that they may no longer choose to activate or dismiss it as they would a maintained manifestation and may only be removed if dispelled using metaphysical effects, destroyed, or activated.
A wielder may only create 1 rune of any type, regardless of whether they choose to maintain the manifestation or spend Kismet to make the effect persistent—subsequent castings of the same rune manifestation will dispel the previous rune.
However, it is possible to stack runes of different effects/elements, such as a gravity rune and a necrotic rune, slowing down enemy movement while also limiting their ability to heal.
Arming and Disarming a Rune
After a rune has been created, it remains inert until it is armed. A rune can be armed as a simple action, regardless of its proximity to the wielder. While maintaining the manifestation, the wielder may, as a simple action, disarm the rune they created, regardless of proximity. However, if they’ve chosen to make the effect persistent, they no longer have control of the rune and will have to disable it through other means.
Triggering Conditions
When casting a rune manifestation, the wielder must determine how the manifestation will be detonated. The wielder may only set 1 triggering condition per rune. The following are possible trigger conditions:
- Proximity: A creature enters into the proximity of the rune (as described by the manifestation), and the rune is activated.
- Time: A rune is set to go off after a certain amount of time and can be expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or even longer, assuming the wielder is willing to maintain the manifestation for that long.
- Conditional: Condition changes are linked, most often, to changes in the environment, such as a door being opened, being exposed to water light, or until a creature attempts to dispel or destroy the rune.
- Activation: The wielder simply decides to activate the rune and may do so as a concurrent action.
This is not an exhaustive list of triggering conditions, and players are encouraged to find creative ways to deploy runes. All triggering conditions are subject to the narrator’s discretion.
Destroying Runes
If the rune is detected, whether from a perception check, a metaphysical effect, or some other means, it can be destroyed or dispelled. Runes have integrity and durability ratings equal to the manifestation power used to create them. A destroyed rune does not detonate; it simply becomes inert. Runes can be destroyed by destroying the object they’re affixed to or by metaphysical means such as Disruption or Dispel Mana.
Walls and Barriers
Some Metaphysical trees allow a wielder to create a wall or barrier. A Wall is made of a physical element, such as stone, while a barrier is made up of energy, such as fire.
The wielder can create a 3×3 meter section of wall up to 1 meter thick per point of power they channel into the manifestation. The wall or barrier retains the same protective/durability/conditions as though it were 1 meter thick, regardless of its actual thickness. This may be configured however they wish with the following stipulations:
- The wall or barrier is a straight line.
- The wall or barrier cannot displace or destroy large objects or permanent structures. Instead, the wall joins seamlessly to the surface of these obstacles.
- The wall’s dimensions cannot exceed its natural confines. For example, a wielder may be able to seal off an entire cave tunnel, but they could not exceed the walls, ceiling, or floor of the cave, regardless of power.
Walls and barriers are not inherently offensive manifestations. When attempting to create a wall in an occupied space, any creatures in that space may choose which side of the wall they are on.
Visibility through walls and barriers varies, depending on the element it’s composed of.
Because walls are made of a physical material, the wielder may opt to make a wall permanent with a Kismet cost equal to the power of the manifestation. After the wall has been made permanent, the manifestation ends and the wall is no longer considered metaphysical.
While barriers cannot be made permanent, they can be moved up to 2 meters as a concurrent action. Barriers may be moved over creatures, who must pass a Reflex save or be subjected to the wall’s effects.
Barriers only affect objects or creatures that go into or pass through the barrier. For example, a flame wall conjured inside a building would not scorch the walls, ceiling, or floor, let alone catch the room on fire. However, if a crate were thrown through the barrier, it could catch fire.
Once a wall or barrier has been cast, the wielder may not alter its dimensions. They may cast the manifestation a second time to add on to the first wall, change the dimensions of the existing wall, or add to the existing wall.
Metaphysical Items
Metaphysical tools are items or gear that are infused with a persistent metaphysical effect that can augment a wielder’s powers or allow a mundane character access to metaphysical power despite their inability to wield it normally.
There are three primary aspects that make up a metaphysical item:
Focus (Foci)
A focus is a metaphysical item infused with the power of a specific manifestation, allowing the user to wield and invoke the manifestation as if they knew it.
For example, a Pyromancer with a ring of Ice Armor could invoke the Ice Armor manifestation despite not knowing any other metas in the Water tree.
A metaphysical battery is an item infused with raw power that heightens the user’s power rating when invoking a manifestation. The user adds the full power of the battery to any meta they invoke.
For example, a necklace with a battery of 10 would add 10 power to every meta the wearer invokes (and also increases the amount of backlash the wearer must contend with.)
Note, the added power is static, meaning that full amount of power is always added when invoking, but the wearer can choose how much of their own power they add to the effect.
A metaphysical conduit is an item infused with the ability to absorb backlash unmitigated backlash damage from invoking. A conduit absorbs any unmitigated backlash damage, up to the total rating of the conduit.
For example, the character has a conduit with a rating of 7 and invokes a meta at power 10, but flubs the Aegis roll to mitigate the incoming backlash. The conduit absorbs 7 of the 10 backlash damage, leaving the wielder with 3 remaining damage to their Will Points.
Note, once a conduit has reached full capacity, it cannot absorb any further backlash until it has been purged. Purging backlash from a conduit is a simple action and cannot be mitigated by making an Aegis roll. The incoming backlash damage can, however, be mitigated by other metaphysical means.
A metaphysical item can be infused with one, two, or even all three of these effects. For example, a ring could be infused with both a Focus and a Battery, meaning the wearer could invoke the manifestation and add the banked power to the effect whenever they invoke the manifestation.
Given the three primary aspects of a metaphysical item, there are 7 possible combinations:
Single: Focus, Battery, Conduit.
Double: Focus + Battery, Focus + Conduit, Battery + Conduit.
Triple: Focus + Battery + Conduit.
Focus + Battery
A metaphysical item that contains the knowledge of the manifestation and increases the power of that manifestation when invoked. The wielder can add some or none of their own power when invoking the effect but must contend with backlash equal to the total amount of power used.
For example, a wand of Firebolt with a battery rating of 10 would allow the wielder to invoke the Firebolt manifestation as if they knew it and adds an additional 10 power every time they invoke a Firebolt. If the user channeled 10 power, the wand would add an additional 10 for a total of 20, leaving the wielder with a total backlash of 20 to contend with.
Focus + Conduit
A metaphysical item that contains the knowledge of the manifestation and absorbs any unmitigated backlash damage when invoked. The wielder must rely on their own power rating when invoking the item.
For example, a pair of bracers infused with Neptune’s Strength and a conduit of 20 would allow the wearer to invoke the Neptune’s Strength manifestation and would automatically absorb up to 20 unmitigated backlash damage.
Battery + Conduit
A metaphysical item that increases the power of a manifestation and absorbs up to a set amount of unmitigated backlash when invoked. However, the wielder may only invoke metas they themselves know.
For example, a magical rubber ducky with a battery and conduit rating of 10 and 15, respectively, would add 10 power and absorb up to 15 backlash damage anytime the user invokes a manifestation they already know.
Focus + Battery + Conduit
A metaphysical item comprising all three aspects. These tend to be the rarest of the metaphysical items as they are the only metaphysical items that can be used by mundane characters.
The power of these items are either passive, or active. A passive effect is one that requires no action from the character to activate the manifestation other than using the item. For example, a cloak that makes the wearer invisible just by putting it over their shoulders would be considered a passive effect.
An active effect is one that requires some form of activation in order for the manifestation to work. For example, a pair of boots imbued with the Fix Gravity manifestation that requires the wearer to click the heels together for the effect to activate.
Some metaphysical items may only be used by a wielder who is attuned to that item. In order to attune to an item, a wielder must tether their metaphysical energy to the item, spending power equal to the attunement rating of the item. While attuned to an item the character’s power is held in the same way as maintaining a manifestation for the purposes of determining available casting power and total backlash when casting. This power is returned when the wielder is no longer attuned to the item. A wielder may drop attunement to an item as a concurrent action.
I have the Power!
Whether it’s Excalibur, the Immovable force, or a Holy hand grenade, some of the more powerful enchanted items require attunement. Presently, the need for attunement and the required power to attune to an item are at the Narrator’s discretion.

Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2 Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Allows the wielder to generate, redirect, or still a gentle breeze at will. The direction and flow of the wind created or altered by this manifestation are entirely under the wielder’s control. This manifestation can be used to extinguish small flames like candles, aid in drying wet clothing, or disperse gaseous substances or aerosolized effects.
Voice on the Wind
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 5 Meters
AoE: Target: Voice
Description: By carrying sound over distances, the wielder can choose between two distinct effects:
Eavesdropping: This effect extends the reach of a target’s voice beyond their intention. A gentle breeze amplifies and carries the voice further, allowing the wielder or others to hear conversations or other sounds from a distance.
Whisper: The wielder’s voice is carried by the wind to a specific, known target within the manifestation’s range.
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2 Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Summons a flow of wind, channeled against a target. The strength of this wind is equivalent to the manifestation’s power, enabling the wielder to push or manipulate objects, clear debris, aid, or even impede progress, depending on the situation and intent.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Grants the wielder the ability to diminish or entirely neutralize wind and other air effects. For every round Calm is in effect, subtract its power from the wind or air effect.
Iron Lung
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains the ability to hold their breath for up to a number of minutes equal to the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Generates a blast of strong wind, making a slam attack against the target with a strength equal to 2x the manifestation’s power.
Falling Leaf
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: By making precise alterations to the air around them the wielder is able to twist and turn through the air. While maintained, the wielder adds the manifestation’s power to all movement-based skills and dodge rolls.
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Up to 4 meters
AoE: Up to 30° cone arc
Description: Releases a powerful blast of wind in a focused 30-degree arc, extending up to 4 meters from their position, dealing stun damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Up to 60° cone arc
Description: Summons a forceful and turbulent wind directed in a wide, cone-shaped arc. This manifestation utilizes the autofire mechanic, with the number of attacks equal to the manifestation’s power. Targets take stun damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 1 cu meter/Power
Description: Generates a pocket of mundane, breathable air around a target(s) or in a set designated space. This bubble is cohesive enough to displace other gases and liquids up to the density of water. As a result, it can offer protection against environmental hazards like toxic mists, thick fogs, and even drowning.
Wind Toss
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Manipulates air currents around a thrown object, increasing its maximum distance. While maintained, adds 10m to the maximum throw distance per point of power spent.
Binding Winds
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Creates a force of air to restrain a target holding them in place with a strength equivalent to 3x the manifestation’s power. Upon being trapped by these winds, the target must make a successful cumulative toughness check against the manifestation’s power. Once their cumulative toughness score overcomes the manifestation’s power, the target breaks free, and the manifestation ends.
Call Rain
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Enables the wielder to manipulate air pressure creating a small area of precipitation centered around themselves. The extent and intensity of the rain are influenced by the manifestation’s power and the current climate conditions. In arid climates, a higher power level may be necessary, while in more humid environments, less power may suffice. Alternatively, this manifestation can also be used to escalate rainfall in an area centered around themselves.
Wind Walk
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Creates pockets of hyper dense air as temporary, weight-bearing platforms. These platforms can be used as steps, ledges, or similar surfaces, enabling the wielder to move as if on solid ground to perform various movements such as stopping, walking, running, sprinting, climbing, jumping, moonwalking etc. The wielder can move a total distance equal to the manifestation power before needing to return to a solid, weight-bearing surface or risk falling.
Guiding Wind
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Manipulates air currents, altering the trajectory of a ranged melee object. While maintained, the wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Aim: The wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation to melee ranged attacks.
- Deflect: Melee ranged attacks against the wielder suffer an adjustment penalty equal to the power of the manifestation.
Call Lightning
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 3 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: While outside, the wielder may call down a bolt of lightning to strike a target. Lightning strikes deal electricity damage equal to 2x the manifestation’s power.
Dust Storm
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Creates a swirling maelstrom of wind, filled with sand, dust, and debris with a radius up to the manifestation’s power. Within the area of effect, visibility is reduced to 3 meters and causes the distraction condition with a rating equal to the power of the manifestation, which is halved for anyone wearing appropriate eye protection. Objects and individuals within the storm gain a concealment rating equal to the manifestation’s power.
Hail Storm
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 5 Meter Radius
Description: Creates stinging sleet and hail. While maintained, all creatures in the AoE must make a toughness test vs. the manifestation’s power vs take stun cold damage. While the manifestation is maintained, the ground within the AoE is considered difficult terrain.
Air Shield
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Creates a near-solid barrier of compressed air around themselves. While maintained, subtracts the power of the manifestation from all incoming attack rolls.
Headwind / Tailwind
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Grants the wielder the ability to manipulate high-velocity objects. While maintained, the wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Aim: The wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation to ballistic ranged attacks.
- Deflect: Ballistic ranged attacks against the wielder suffer an adjustment penalty equal to the power of the manifestation.
Wind Servant / Dust Devil
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Special
Description: Creates a whirlwind that serves the wielder. While maintained, the wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Dust Devil: forms a small, intense whirlwind, 3 meters in diameter. This Dust Devil can execute a slam attack against anything it encounters, with a strength equal to 2x the manifestation’s power. As a simple action, the wielder can move the Dust Devil up to 3 meters, affecting everything in its path. The area around the Dust Devil is obscured with sand, dirt, and debris, providing minor concealment. Additionally, this effect reduces the accuracy and damage of ranged melee attacks by the power of the manifestation.
- Wind Servant: The wielder conjures a wind servant, capable of following basic commands and interacting with the environment on behalf of the wielder. The servant can lift objects up to 0.5kg per point of the manifestation’s power.
Both the Wind Servant and the Dust Devil are vulnerable to anti-magic or wind-disrupting effects.
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Special
Description: Unleashes a forceful column of air from high altitudes down on a target area within range. The impact generates a powerful blast of wind that rapidly expands in all directions.
- Direct Impact Area (3-meter diameter): Creatures and objects within this area are subjected to cold damage equal to the manifestation’s power and the Slam technique.
- Surrounding Area (10-meter radius): Creatures and objects within a 10-meter radius are subjected to the slam technique outward, with the strength of the slam equal to the strength of the manifestation.
Wall of Air
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Wall
Description: The wielder is able to create small sections of near-solid compressed air. Objects coming into contact with the wall suffer a slam attack with strength equal to the manifestation’s power. All ranged attacks passing through the wall suffer a ◄ 1 to hit.
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder is able to harness the winds to support her body well enough to fly. The wielder moves at a speed of meters per round equal to 3x power. As a simple action, the wielder may change direction by degrees equal to the manifestation’s power. While maintained, the wielder’s movement follows the rules for vehicle movement.
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 5 Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Adjusts the temperature and humidity within the manifestation’s range. The manifestation allows the wielder to create a small zone of altered climate, which can be cooler, warmer, drier, or more humid than the surrounding area and can be used to counteract extreme weather conditions, create a more hospitable environment in harsh climates, or even alter conditions to affect others within the area.
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual
Range: Power x 10 Meters
AoE: Radius 10m
Description: Summons a tornado. Requires the wielder to engage in a ritual casting with power being added to the ritual once per round. The tornado can be formed by the wielder at any point once they have accumulated at least 100 points. Once formed, the tornado acts independently unless the wielder possesses the ability to control the weather and loses 20 points of power every round.
Note: The damage caused by a tornado is typically caused by flying and falling objects. The exact damage is at the Narrator’s discretion.
100-134 | Mild (25m/s 75m/round) |
135-179 | Moderate (45m/s 135m/round) |
180-224 | High (60m/s 180m/round) |
225-274 | Very High (90m/s 170m/round) |
275-349 | Severe (110m/s 330m/round) |
350+ | Extreme (135m/s 410m/round) |
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Creates an area devoid of oxygen and all other gasses. As a simple action, the wielder can move the vacuum area up to 3 meters.
Control Weather
Tier: 9
Type: Ritual
Range: Self
AoE: Special
Description: The wielder performs an intricate ritual to control the weather. The manifestation can redirect an approaching storm, dissipate or intensify existing weather conditions like tornadoes or hurricanes, or create new weather patterns. A minimum of 100 points are required to initiate a change in the weather. The wielder can continue accumulating points beyond the initial threshold, enhancing the strength and duration of the weather effect. To modify the intensity of an existing weather condition, the wielder requires only 50 ritual points, making it easier to enhance or mitigate current weather phenomena. Once the ritual is concluded, the weather effect begins to wane, losing 10 points per hour. This gradual decrease continues until the accumulated points reach zero, at which point, the weather returns to its natural state.
Avatar of Wind
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder embodies the essence of wind, infusing their being with its power and agility. This transformation endows the wielder with the following abilities: The wielder can cast any non-ritual Wind manifestation at 2x the power of Avatar of Wind as a simple action without the need for preparation. All ranged melee and ballistic attacks directed at the wielder suffer a ◄ 2. The wielder’s movement rate is doubled. While this manifestation is maintained, she loses 2 Will points per round.

Move Earth
Tier: 1
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: Enables the wielder to displace 0.1 cubic meters of loose earth for each point of the power. The wielder can choose the location within the manifestation’s range where the displaced earth is accumulated. As a reference, utilizing this effect three times at a power level of 10 can create an average-sized grave, approximately three cubic meters in volume.
Stone to Earth
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: Allows the wielder to transform stone into loose earth. For each point of the manifestation’s power, 0.1 cubic meters of stone can be converted into an equivalent volume of loose earth.
Earth to Stone
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: Enables the wielder to transmute loose earth into simple stone. The manifestation can convert 0.1 cubic meters of earth for each point of its power.
Shape Stone
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: Modifies stone into simple shapes. The wielder can reshape up to 0.1 cubic meters of stone for every point of power.
Mend and Cleave
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: Allows the wielder to either mend cracks and fissures in simple stone or to cleave it apart. The wielder can affect up to 0.1 cubic meters of stone per point of power.
Master Sculptor
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains the ability to craft intricate forms with preternatural detail. While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder adds the power of the effect to any appropriate crafting skill roll.
Stone Shard
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Causes a hand-sized shard of stone to erupt with great force from stone or earth and strike a target within range, dealing blunt damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Stone Burst
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Special
Description: Causes a section of stone or earth to explode, releasing a deadly wave of shrapnel.
- Detonation: Affects a 3-meter radius, inflicting sharp damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
- Arc: Creates a directed 30° of shrapnel, extending 6 meters, inflicting sharp damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Permanence: Kismet x Power
Description: While maintained, enhances the durability of stone and increases the stone’s resistance to damage and manipulation. The durability of the stone is augmented by an amount equal to the power of the manifestation. The wielder can affect up to 0.1 meters of stone per power point of the manifestation.
Root of the Mountain
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Infuses an object or creature with the immutable strength of a mountain. While maintained, the target gains an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation against all effects that would try to displace the target from their location such as Slam.
Earth Stride
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, grants the wielder the ability to enhance their mobility. When performing a movement action, the wielder’s movement rate is increased by the power of the manifestation, up to a maximum of double.
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 3-meter radius
Description: Induces a localized shifting of the ground within a 3-meter radius of the targeted area. Creatures within this area must succeed on a Reflex check or be knocked prone, sustaining appropriate fall damage. The manifestation only affects objects and creatures in direct contact with the ground.
Create Stone
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: 0.1 cu meter x Power
Description: The wielder conjures up a simple stone, materializing it in an unoccupied space. The volume of stone created can be up to 0.1 cubic meters for each point of the manifestation’s power.
Imbue Earth
Tier: 5
Type: Imbue
Range: Self
AoE: Self/Target
Description: The wielder imbues themself or a target with the elemental power of Earth.
- Self: Fists of Stone: While maintained, the user’s hands and forearms are covered in a thin layer of dense stone. Any unarmed strikes adds the power of the imbuement to the damage dealt. The user also adds the power of the imbuement to their Unarmed skill when attempting to block attacks.
- Weapon: Stone Cutter: While maintained, an imbued weapon can cut through stone with ease. A sharp weapon slices cleanly through solid stone while a blunt weapon shatters the stone to rubble.
- (Aura) Grating Sand: While maintained, any time the wielder is attacked with a melee weapon, and that weapon would take integrity damage, it takes double damage.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Up to 2 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder controls a stream of fine-grain sand at a target. Choose one of the following effects:
- Clean: Strips surfaces of their outer layers, effectively removing blemishes, dirt, and corrosion without damaging the underlying material.
- Erode: Degrades the integrity of the target object by an amount equal to the manifestation’s power. If used on organic targets, it inflicts Life damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: Causes an earthquake in a specified area. Each round, a creature within the radius must make a reflex check or be knocked prone, suffering appropriate fall damage. Prone creatures must pass a Reflex roll against the manifestation’s power if they attempt to stand up. The manifestation can also damage structures within its effect radius, inflicting integrity damage equal to its power for each round it is maintained. The manifestation only affects objects and creatures in direct contact with the ground.
Pillar of Earth
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Power = Height + Width
Description: Creates a pillar of earth and stone to ascend from the ground. The manifestation requires natural ground and cannot be activated indoors or beneath permanent structures. The wielder may shape the pillar as they wish by dividing the total power of the manifestation between the pillar’s width and total height. The pillar is capable of lifting 1000 kilograms per point of power. All creatures in the vicinity of the emerging pillar must succeed on a reflex check to dodge the pillar’s ascent. Failure results in the creature being knocked prone atop the pillar as it rises.
Stone Skin
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains natural ballistic armor equal to the power of the manifestation.
Grasp of Stone
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 3 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Earth and stone beneath a target to encase and restrain them. The target performs a reflex check vs. the power of the manifestation. If they fail, they suffer the pinned maneuver vs a strength equal to 2x the power of the manifestation. While the target is pinned, the wielder can use a simple action to move the ensnared target up to 1 meter.
Earth Shot
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 10 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder launches a sling bullet-sized stone with incredible force. The propelled stone inflicts blunt damage equal to 2x the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 3 Meters
AoE: Power x 2-meters long, 1 meter wide, 1/2 width deep
Description: Causes the earth to suddenly open up, forming a crevasse with a length of 2 meters, a width of 1 meter, and a depth equal to 0.5 meters per point of power. Objects and creatures located above the opening must succeed on a reflex check to avoid falling into it. The wielder can expand an existing crevasse created by this manifestation, increasing its length and width by one meter each. This expansion requires the same power level as the original casting.
Wall of Stone
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Wall
Description: While maintained, creates a wall of stone. Each section of the wall has a durability rating of 20, a natural armor value of 20, and an integrity rating of 100. See WALLS.
Heart of Stone
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, grants the wielder right shifts equal to the power of the manifestation for any Resolve checks. When the manifestation ends, the wielder regains Will points equal to the manifestation’s power, up to their maximum.
Expeditious Miner
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (1 hour/roll)
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Power x 10 cu meters
Special: Permanence: Kismet x Power
Description: The wielder performs a ritual to create tunnels through natural earth and stone. The volume of the tunnels created is ten cubic meters for each point accrued during the ritual, with each accrual requiring 1 hour of effort. These tunnels are inherently stable and secure, eliminating the risk of accidental collapse. Each tunnel remains for a duration of one hour per point of power accrued during the ritual. The wielder can make the tunnels permanent by expending Kismet points equal to the total power generated during the ritual.
Lay of the Land
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10 Meters
AoE: Centered on wielder
Description: Enables the wielder to gain a precise mental map of the surrounding topography. The wielder gains a positive adjustment equal to the power of the manifestation, for all applicable perception checks. If used underground or in other situations where she is surrounded by stone, the wielder can also ascertain the location of objects and creatures in contact with the earth or stone.
Transmute Stone
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Touch
Special: Casting Cost: XP x Power
Description: The wielder transmutes 1cu/cm per point of power of stone into any other stone of their choosing. This does not affect the shape of the object, merely the composition of the stone.
Earth Form
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder envelops themselves in a layer of stone, adding the manifestation’s power to their strength, armor value, Resolve, Toughness ratings, and the wielder’s weight is increased by 10x.
Create Shelter
Tier: 9
Type: Ritual (1 hour/roll)
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Power x 100 cubic meters
Description: Conjures an earth and stone structure. The volume of the structure can be up to 100 cubic meters for each point of the manifestation’s power. The structure has a durability rating of 15, a natural armor rating of 20, and a total integrity rating of 500. When the manifestation ends, the structure gradually deteriorates, losing a point of integrity per day, eventually being reabsorbed into the earth. Anything inside the structure during this process remains unharmed.
Note: The design of the structure must adhere to the basic laws of physics.
Avatar of Earth
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Special: 20 Kismet or 2 XP to cast
Description: Transforms the wielder into a living embodiment of earth and stone. While this manifestation is active, the wielder benefits from the following enhancements:
- The wielder attains the protective qualities of “Earth Form” with a strength equal to the power of the manifestation.
- The ability to cast any earth manifestation as a simple action at 2x the manifestation’s power.
While maintaining the manifestation, the wielder loses 2 Will points each round.

Create Fire
Tier: 1
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Enables the wielder to create fire, allowing them to light or snuff out a flame under various conditions, including wet fuel, rain, or strong winds. The fire created is mundane and can be snuffed/ extinguished through conventional or metaphysical means.
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: 2 meters
Description: Magnifies the energy within an existing flame, such as a candle or campfire, causing it to detonate with formidable power. The explosion impacts all creatures within a 2-meter radius, inflicting fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Shape Fire
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target flame
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder to alter a flame’s shape, color, and brightness, offering a high degree of control over the fire’s appearance and behavior. The wielder can creatively shape and animate the fire but can not move the flame from its original source. However, manipulating the shape of a fire can cause it to reach and ignite adjacent combustible materials.
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Power x 2
Description: Sends out a tendril of condensed fire energy which expands and explodes in a dazzling array of colors and loud, booming sounds. The wielder can choose the colors and shapes of these explosive displays. The sounds generated by this manifestation can be heard over 10 kilometers away. If used in combat, the wielder selects a target and rolls their throwing skill. Upon impact, the manifestation inflicts half of its power as blunt damage. Additionally, creatures within a 2-meter radius of the blast may be dazed and suffer effects on their next turn, pending a failed Resolve resist roll.
Smoke and Shadow
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, targets a combustible material or an existing fire source to create a dense cloud of smoke. Visibility into and through the smoke is equal to 18 meters minus the power of the manifestation. Skill checks performed while within the smoke effect, or targeting objects visible within the smoke effect, suffer an adjustment penalty of -1 per meter of smoke depth. The smoke created by this manifestation is mundane and can be dispersed by environmental factors like strong winds, rain, or metaphysical means. Each round creates a distraction condition with a rating equal to the power of the manifestation.
Incendiary Cloud
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: 3 Meter
Description: Creates an area of superheated smoke in a radius of 3 meters. Any creature caught within the manifestation, on the wielder’s turn, suffers fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power. The cloud’s intense heat and obscuring nature impose a ◄ 1 per power of the manifestation to all perception checks while within the AoE. Normal vision through the effect is completely obscured. The wielder may, as a simple action, move the cloud up to 5 meters. Environmental factors like wind or rain will disperse the manifestation.
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder conjures and hurls a small, concentrated projectile of flame towards a single target. Upon impact, the firebolt inflicts fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Resist Fire I
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains resistance to fire damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Blazing Step
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder is able to generate a blast of super-heated air to propel themselves forward in a straight line. When performing run, sprint, or jump actions, the power of the manifestation is added to the total distance traveled. Please note that this manifestation is capable of launching the wielder a considerable vertical distance, but it does not protect the wielder from the effects of falling from the distance obtained.
Imbue Fire
Tier: 4
Type: Imbue
Range: Self / Touch
AoE: Self / Target
Description: While maintained, imbues an object or creature with the power of fire.
- (Self) Burst Fist: The wielder ignites their fists with an ephemeral flame. Every Unarmed strike that lands deals fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
- (Weapon) Thundering Strike: Every time a strike with an imbued weapon lands, it creates a burst of sparks and a thunder boom. Adds 1/4 the manifestation’s power to the damage dealt and the target is affected by the Distracted condition.
- (Aura) Shroud of Smoke: While maintained, the wielder is surrounded by a shroud of dense smoke. The user’s features are obscured and impossible to see. All attacks suffer a ◄ 1 shift to hit the imbued target. While maintained, the imbued target also suffers a ◄ 1 shift to all Stealth rolls.
Resist Fire II
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target(s)
Description: While maintained, extends fire resistance to multiple targets, dividing the manifestation’s total power by the number of targets to determine the level of resistance each individual receives.
Flame Thrower
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: 4 Meters
AoE: 30º cone arc
Description: The wielder projects a scorching arc of flame in a 30º cone, extending up to 4 meters. All targets suffer fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Flame Dancer
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, creates flames that dance and twirl around the wielder’s body. These flames can be shaped, colored, and sized according to the wielder’s will, with the potential to form patterns or animate in simple ways to convey a story or theme.
- Performance: Provides an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation’s power to the appropriate skill check.
- Combat: Transforms the effect into flame whips, which can be wielded using the flexible weapon skill and dealing fire damage equivalent to the manifestation’s power; however, it cannot be used to grapple or block.
Incendiary Rune
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: 3 Meters
Special: Persistent: 2 Kismet
Description: While maintained, imbues a solid surface with a fiery rune charged with explosive energy. When triggered, the rune causes fire damage to all creatures within a 3-meter radius of the rune. See RUNES.
Resist Fire III
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 2
Description: While maintained, extends resistance to fire damage to everything within an area. Fire damage resistance is equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 3
AoE: Special
Description: The wielder hurls a ball of heat energy towards a target point. Upon impact, the fireball explodes, creating two distinct blast zones:
- Primary: Targets within the primary blast radius of 1 meter suffer ballistic fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
- Secondary: Targets within the secondary blast radius of 3 meters receive fire damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Fire Cage
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Engulfs the air around the target with tangible fire. While within the effect, the target cannot take any movement actions. On the wielder’s turn, the target takes fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power. To escape the effect, as a simple action, the target may perform a cumulative Resolve check against the manifestation’s power and escape once the resolve goal points have exceeded the manifestation’s power.
Burning Sphere
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: 3-meter sphere
Description: The wielder creates a 3-meter sphere of flame at any unoccupied point within the manifestation’s range. All targets within range of the sphere take fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power. While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder can move the sphere up to 3 meters per turn as a simple action.
Blasting Rune
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Special
Description: While maintained, creates a rune that when triggered, releases explosive energy. See RUNES. The wielder must decide how to shape the blast:
- Shaped: The blast is shaped in a single direction, concentrating its force. It extends two meters per power of the manifestation, dealing ballistic damage equal to 2x the manifestation power, and the structure or object bearing the rune takes half the amount of damage.
- Unshaped: The blast radiates outward, covering a blast radius of 1 meter per manifestation power. All targets within this radius suffer ballistic damage equal to the manifestation’s power, and the inscribed object/structure takes damage equal to 2x the manifestation’s power.
Inner Warmth
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Grants the wielder resistance to cold, making them resistant to cold effects and conditions equal to 2 x the manifestation’s power.
Fire Volley
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Multi-target / Autofire
Description: The wielder creates and controls a number of small fireballs equal to the manifestation’s power. These fireballs can be launched as fiery projectiles in one of two ways.
- Simple Action: The wielder can launch up to two of these fireballs at one or two separate targets as a simple action. Each meteor deals fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power upon impact.
- Complex Action: The wielder can opt to launch all the fireballs as a barrage, using the rules for the full-auto technique.
Flame Barrier
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Wall
Description: While maintained, creates a wall of fire. See WALLS. Any creature that passes through the wall takes fire damage equal to 2x the manifestation’s power. The wall obscures vision, resulting in a ◄ 2 for all vision-based rolls, including attacks, that are made through the wall. Per the Narrator’s discretion, projectiles may be destroyed by the wall, depending on the type and material of the projectile.
Burning Guardian
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Power x 2
Description: While maintained, transforms a stationary flame source into a guardian flame entity that watches over the AoE. The wielder establishes who is permitted within the AoE and if an intruder is detected, the guardian spirit reacts by alerting the wielder to the intruder’s presence. If the wielder engages in combat while the manifestation is maintained, the guardian will, once per round, at the end of initiative, launch a small firebolt at the closest intruder, dealing fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Inner Fire
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (10 hour)
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Allows the wielder to cleanse their body of conditions such as bleeding, poison, disease, fear, etc. The wielder subtracts the manifestation’s power from her total of all appropriate condition ratings.
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder chooses a target within range and causes them to ignite. The target and their possessions suffer fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power on the wielder’s turn.
Rain of Fire
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Power x 2
Description: Bombards the AoE with a relentless downpour of flames. Creatures and objects caught within the AoE are subject to fire damage equal to the power of the manifestation, on their turn. As a simple action, they may perform a reflex check and subtract the goal points generated from the damage of the manifestation.
Fire Form
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Allows the wielder to envelop their body with intense, protective flames, granting them several powerful abilities:
- The wielder gains fire resistance equal to the manifestation’s power.
- Ranged attacks against the wielder suffer ◄ 1 to their Hit roll.
- On the wielder’s turn, any creature or object within a 2-meter radius of the wielder takes fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
- The wielder gains the ability to use Flame Step as a simple action, at a power equal to Fire Form.
Tier: 9
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 5
AoE: Special
Special: Casting Cost 5 Kismet
Description: This manifestation unleashes a cataclysmic eruption of fire and fractured earth from a chosen point of impact.
- Primary: All creatures and objects caught within the primary blast radius of 5 meters take fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power, take ballistic damage equal to the power of the manifestation, suffer a slam attack with a strength equal to 2x the manifestation power, and the area becomes permanently difficult terrain with a rating equal to the manifestation power.
- Secondary: All creatures and objects caught within the secondary blast radius of 20 meters take fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power and suffer the daze condition with a rating equal to the manifestation’s power.
Avatar of Fire
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Special: 10 Kismet
Description: Transforms the wielder into a living embodiment of flame, granting the following abilities:
- The wielder is completely immune to fire and its effects.
- The wielder gains resistance to cold damage and effects equal to the manifestation’s power.
- On the wielder’s turn, creatures and objects within a 5-meter radius take fire damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
- Anything touched by the wielder takes fire damage equal to 5x the manifestation’s power.
- The wielder leaves behind a trail of fire that persists for 10 rounds, approximately 1 meter wide. This is a mundane fire that can ignite materials normally.
- As a simple action, the wielder can cast any fire manifestation.
While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder loses 2 Will points per round.

Give Life
Tier: 1
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder transfers their Life Points to the target, giving a target 1 Life point per power of the manifestation. This effect may not raise a target’s life points past 50% of their maximum.
Bodily History
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to learn about the target’s biological history. The manifestation requires direct observation of the target. The more power used, the deeper the knowledge gained from the effect. For example, the wielder notices a limp in the target’s left leg. The wielder is able to ascertain from the physical development of the muscles in the leg surrounding the injury that the target was likely an athlete, and the injury is likely sports-related and was incurred during their teens.
Second Wind
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Restores the target’s Will points equal to the manifestation’s power. The effect may not raise a target’s Will points past 50% of their maximum.
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Targets with negative Life points gain Life points equal to the manifestation’s power. This effect can only bring the target up to 0 Life points.
Healing Touch
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Restores the target’s Life points equal to the manifestation’s power. The target’s Life Points must be greater than 0, and they can only be healed up to 50% of their max Life Point total.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, slowly restores vitality to a wounded creature. On the wielder’s turn, the target recovers Life Points equal to the power of the manifestation. This effect can not restore the target’s Life points past 50% of their max.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestations power to all triage, diagnose, and resuscitation rolls.
Resist Disease
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder manifests healing energies to aid her body in resisting a disease. While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation’s power to all disease-related resist rolls.
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Target recovers Life points equal to the power of the manifestation. The target may only be healed up to 50% of their max Life points from this effect.
Life Link
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Touch
Description: The wielder balances the life force between themselves and up to two other willing creatures. The total number of points that can be distributed is equal to the current life total of all selected targets. The HP must be distributed evenly among the three targets, rounded down, and may not exceed a target’s maximum HP. For example, the wielder has 50 Life points, target 1 has 21 and target 2 has 59; the wielder distributes 130 Life points between themself and the two targets, bringing everyone to a total of 43.
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost 1 Kismet
Description: A target with negative Life points is immediately brought up to 0 Life Points.
Resist Poison
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation’s power to poison-related resist rolls.
Healing Pool
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: Restore’s Life points to each creature within range of the wielder by the power of the effect. The effect can only restore Life points to 50% max Life points.
Note: The wielder does not benefit from the effects of this manifestation.
Absorb Status
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder takes on the ailments of another, absorbing condition points equal to the power of the manifestation.
Perfect Patient
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the target will heal at their maximum natural healing rate, even in sub-optimal healing environments. Additionally, while maintained, add the manifestation’s power to any first aid, medical, and surgical skill rolls performed on the target.
Cure Disease
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Reduces a target’s disease points equal to 2x the power of the manifestation.
Greater Healing Touch
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The target recovers Life and Will points equal to the manifestation’s power.
Cure Status
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to cure the target of a status condition they are currently afflicted with. The manifestation reduces condition points equal to the power of the manifestation.
Healer’s Rest
Tier: 6
Type: Ritual (1 Rest Period)
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Special: Casting Cost: 1 Kismet
Description: In lieu of performing a rest action, the wielder performs this ritual. All creatures within range and performing a rest action benefit from 3x their normal recovery rate. The wielder does not receive the benefit from any Life, Will, or Kismet recovery while performing this effect. But they otherwise are counted as having slept.
Heal Self
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder is able to restore their own vitality. The wielder recovers Life Points equal to the power of the manifestation.
Cure Poison
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to cure the target of a poison they are currently afflicted with. When cast, this manifestation reduces poison points equal to 2x the power of the manifestation.
Fast Restore
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Special: Casting Cost: 2 Kismet
Description: All targets within the area of effect have their Life and Will points restored by the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Any time the wielder takes melee damage, the attacker suffers damage equal to the power of the manifestation, up to a total of 50% of the damage received.
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (6 – 24 hours)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to restore a body that has been heavily damaged or mutilated. While the ritual is being performed, the target stops accumulating further damage from their conditions. The wielder can reattach a freshly severed limb over the course of the ritual. The power required to reattach the limb is 25% of the target’s total Life Points. If a limb or organ is lost or unrecoverable, a new one can be completely regrown over 24 hours, providing the ritual is undisturbed for at least 6 hours. During the regeneration period, any damage to the regrowing tissues will affect the success of the manifestation.
- If damage occurs in the first 6 hours: The ritual is incomplete and the attempt fails entirely.
- If damage occurs in the first 12 -18 hours: The limb is partially formed and will continue to regrow over the next year. The character may use the limb but at half the character’s normal attribute rating in relation to skill checks.
- If damage occurs in the first 19 – 24 hours: The limb is mostly formed and will continue to regrow over the next month. The character may use the limb but at half the character’s normal attribute rating in relation to skill checks.
- At 24 hours: The limb is fully formed, and the target has full use with no hindrance.
Poison / Infect
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder has become so proficient with curing disease and poisons that they’ve learned to inflict them on a target, afflicting them with a poison or pathogen with condition points equal to the power of the manifestation. This can also be used to accelerate the progression of a poison or disease, adding the already existing condition points.
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: 3 Meters
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: 2 Kismet
Description: Target’s Life and Will points are restored by the power of the manifestation, up to the target’s maximum and all conditions, disease, and poison points are reduced, equal to the effect’s power.
Create Affliction
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: 2 Kismet
Description: The wielder inflicts a condition effect on a target. SEE CONDITIONS.
Tier: 9
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target corpse
Special: Casting Cost: 5 Kismet
Description: Returns a recently dead creature to life. The affected corpse may have been dead for one hour per power used in this manifestation. The creature returns with Life and Will points equal to the power of the manifestation. The freshly revived creature will have all conditions it had prior to death removed, but will still be suffering from any structural damage it had; i.e., missing body parts are still missing, gaping wounds are still gaping, but all other conditions are removed.
Tier: *
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: This manifestation costs 1 Kismet per attribute points of the body being resurrected.
Description: The wielder performs a ritual to resurrect the long-dead. Pulling a spirit from beyond the veil is no easy feat; each roll of this ritual represents 4 hours of the wielder’s concentration. The manifestation requires some amount of viable body tissue of the deceased, such as a fragment of bone, a blood-stained strip of cloth, a lock of hair, etc. and the more of the original body the wielder has access to the easier the ritual becomes. To calculate the goal points required to resurrect a body:
- 2000 x years dead (min 1).
- Divides number by % of the body remaining Note, the body does not need to be in one piece.
A party member was caught in a terrible explosion. Their body armor was enough to protect the head and torso, leaving the rest of the body little more than a gory smear. The narrator estimates that the party has about 40% of the corpse in their possession.
- 2000 x 1 (less than a year deceased)
- 2000 ÷ 40 = 50

Detect Mana
Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 5
Description: Detects any metaphysical objects or active metaphysical effects, such as runes or held/prepared manifestations. The wielder can also gauge the relative strength of a metaphysical effect but not the nature of it.
Lend Mana
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to add metaphysical energy to another’s casting effort. The wielder prepares and casts the manifestation and must resolve backlash as usual. The target benefits from the added power to all of their manifestation, which is also added to the total backlash they must resolve.
Mana Shield
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Creates a barrier of arcane energy that protects the wielder from mana-based damage, reducing mana damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Mana Lash
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: 4 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder manifests a lash of metaphysical energy, dealing mana damage to a target in range.
Increase Resistance
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation power to all rolls involving a single chosen Resistance (Toughness, Reflex, or Resolve).
Mana Beacon
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 100
Description: The wielder creates a beacon of mana energy that is only detectable to metaphysically sensitive creatures and can be tracked or followed. The beacon’s metaphysical energy is unique to the wielder. Any creature familiar with the wielder can identify the beacon as belonging to them. The wielder may choose to embed a simple message into the beacon that can be read and understood by any creature that perceives it. The wielder may add 1 word for every 2 points of the manifestation’s power.
Mana Bolt
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder hurls a bolt of concentrated arcane energy at a target, dealing mana damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Imbue Mana
Tier: 4
Type: Imbue
Range: Touch
AoE: Self / Target
Description: Imbues a target or object with arcane energy.
(Self) Arcane Claws: The wielder manifests long claws of pure mana energy adding mana damage equal to the power of the manifestation to all unarmed strikes.
(Weapon) Eldritch Edge: Adds mana damage equal to the power of the manifestation to all attacks made with the imbued weapon.
(Aura) Obfuscation: While maintained the imbued target gains resistance to all scrying and metaphysical detection effects equal to the power of the manifestation.
Mana Ward
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Creates a barrier of arcane energy, reducing the power of incoming manifestation effects by the power of this manifestation, but the wielder of Mana Ward must resolve a backlash check for every point of power reduced in this way.
Arcane Magnet
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, all manifestations originating or terminating with this manifestation’s AoE are redirected at the wielder, including manifestations cast by friendly targets.
Note: This manifestation does not affect Touch Range manifestations.
Mana Network
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder can serve as the “point of origin” for another wielder’s manifestation, effectively extending the range. The channeled manifestation’s power cannot exceed Mana Network’s casting power. While acting as a network node, the wielder does not need to resolve the backlash of any manifestations they channel.
Mana Armor
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Infuses a target’s armor with energy, increasing the total armor value equal to the manifestation’s power.
Dispel Mana
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder targets an already manifested metaphysical effect and attempts to either stifle or unmake the manifestation.
Stifle: The wielder reduces the power of the targeted effect by the power of the manifestation while maintained. Once the effect drops, the targeted effect regains its full power.
Unmake: The wielder attempts to unmake the effect. The wielder must resolve backlash equal to any power removed from the effect in addition to the backlash incurred from the initial manifestation of Dispel Mana.
Backlash Absorb
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder willingly takes on the potential backlash from another’s manifestation casting. The wielder resolves the backlash of a target metaphysics wielder up to the power of the manifestation.
Note: When casting Backlash Absorb, the wielder must roll to resist backlash per usual. The wielder must also roll to resist the backlash absorbed from the other manifestation. However, this is done separately, not cumulatively.
Arcane Burst
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 5
AoE: 5 Meter
Description: The wielder lobs a sphere of concentrated mana energy, which explodes on impact, dealing mana damage equal to the manifestation’s power to all creatures within 5 meters of the impact zone.
Create Foci
Tier: 6
Type: Ritual (1 hour/roll)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: XP = Foci Rating
Description: The wielder creates a foci that extends the range of their manifestations equal to its power rating in meters. See FOCI.
Greater Mana Ward
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder bolsters their body resistance to physical damage, increasing the wielder’s natural armor rating by the power of the manifestation.
Channel Backlash
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder adds the power of Channel Backlash to the total backlash of the target’s manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Ritual (1 minute)
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to identify the specific qualities of a metaphysical source, such as an enchanted item, a persistent effect, or a type and nature of a manifestation that is being actively held or maintained by a target wielder. The wielder must cumulatively generate points equal to the power of the effect being analyzed to determine the nature of the effect.
Quick Cast
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder uses metaphysical energy faster than they would normally. The wielder may prepare and cast manifestations as concurrent actions rather than simple, allowing the wielder to cast two manifestations per turn. The manifestations cast may have a total power rating up to the power of Quick Cast.
Create Backlash Sink
Tier: 7
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: XP = Total Power/10
Description: The wielder creates an item that stores unmitigated backlash damage. Whenever the wielder would suffer Will damage from backlash, they may choose to channel it into the sink instead. See BACKLASH SINK.
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder attempts to interrupt the manifestation workings of another wielder. Instead of manifesting on their turn, the wielder must declare a ready simple action, as they would a block or dodge. Like any readied action, the parameters for use must be declared by the wielder. A manifestation affected by Counterspell has its power reduced by the power of Counterspell, weakening the effect or nullifying it entirely, while the wielder of the affected manifestation resolves backlash at the full power they had intended to use.
Note: At the time that this manifestation is triggered, the wielder resolves backlash as they would normally.
Backlash Levee
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder is able to channel backlash into an object, storing it until such a time when it can be dealt with. The wielder channels all resolved unmitigated backlash damage into the object, with no upper limit. When this manifestation is dropped, or in the event the object is destroyed, the wielder takes Will damage equal to the total amount of backlash stored in the object, unless reduced or redirected through other metaphysical means.
Note: While this manifestation is active, the object used to store backlash is considered metaphysical for purposes of detection, disruption, and destruction.
Arcane Storm
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder creates a raging storm of arcane energy. All creatures within the area of effect take mana damage equal to the power of the manifestation. All other manifestations originating in the AoE have their power and backlash doubled.
Create Mana Bank
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target object
Description: The wielder creates a MANA BANK which can be used as a battery to supercharge their manifestations. A mana bank allows a wielder to access stored power. The wielder may increase the power of their manifestation past their maximum power rating, up to the current capacity stored in the bank, depleting the current banked total by that amount. The wielder must resolve backlash equal to the new total power of the manifestation. See MANA BANK. Example: The bank has 10 power, the wielder uses 3 to empower a manifestation and the bank’s current rating is reduced to 7.
Null Field
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Power
Description: Creates an area of null energy where all manifestations have their power decreased by the power of this effect.
Backlash Recharge
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to absorb backlash, their own or others, and convert it to Will. Backlash absorbed in this way can not surpass the power of this manifestation.
Tier: 9
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder to hijack an opponent’s manifestation. The wielder must spend power equal to the power of the effect they wish to redirect. If successful, the wielder, on their initiative turn, may use a simple action to choose an alternate target for the hijacked manifestation. The wielder does not need to know the effect being redirected, and they do not suffer additional backlash from the effect being redirected.
Tier: *
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: 1 point of Permanent Casting Power
Description: The wielder awakens the latent metaphysical abilities in a mundane. The wielder sacrifices 1 point of their total power to bring the target to power 0. This manifestation is not cast at any level of Power, nor does it necessitate a roll to resist Backlash. The consequences of this reality-altering, paradigm-shifting event are subject to the Narrator’s discretion.

Find Water
Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 10
Description: While maintained, the wielder is able to locate water within the manifestation’s AoE or determine the direction of the closest source.
Move Water
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 2
Description: While maintained, the wielder can move 10L of water per point of power per round, within the affected area.
Create Water
Tier: 2
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder creates 0.1L of pure water per power of the manifestation.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: 1×1 Meter/Power
Description: Manipulates the water in the air to create one or multiple mirror-reflective surfaces. The total surface area of the affected surfaces may not surpass 1 x1 per point of power.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 2
Description: While maintained, causes the water vapors in the air to condense, producing a thick fog. All creatures subtract the power of the manifestation from all perception and vision-related checks while in the fog. The fog dissipates when the manifestation ends. The fog can be dispersed by wind or other similar effects.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Special
Description: Creates a magnification effect using water in the air. The magnification rate is 2x per point of power of the manifestation and can be used to see long distances or enlarge the image of small objects.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Pressurizes an existing water source to generate a slam or tackle attack with strength equal to the power of the manifestation x 2.
Resist Heat / Cold
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Compresses water in the atmosphere to create an evaporating or condensing layer of hyper-dense water that protects the wielder from heat or cold-based effects up to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: 1 Meter
Description: Creates a drenching torrent of water that affects a 1-meter area. The volume of water produced is equal to 10 L per point of power.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, submerged, and as a concurrent action, the wielder can propel themselves by 2 meters per round x the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: Creates a mirage effect that makes the wielder appear to be in an adjacent position, up to 1 meter away per point of power. A creature that makes contact with the mirage may make a perception check to discern the wielder’s true location.
Cutting Stream
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: 1 Meter
AoE: Target
Description: Creates a piercing jet of water that can cut through soft materials with incredible precision. Against objects, the power is doubled for the sake of determining damage vs. durability as well as causing 2x integrity damage. When used against a creature, this manifestation deals lethal damage equal to 2x the power and causes an equal amount of Bleeding damage. The range of this manifestation is doubled when underwater.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 10
Description: While maintained, causes a rain effect around the wielder of 1 cm/hour of rain per point of power.
Breathe Water
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder is able to breathe underwater.
Shape Water
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 2
Description: Allows the wielder to manipulate existing water by altering its surface tensions and flow to create shapes and forms. The wielder can manipulate 0.5 cubic meters per power to create any number of shapes, such as spheres, columns, walls, and planes. Creatures that would be caught in the area of the created shape can make a reflex roll to avoid this effect. Creatures within the created shape are counted as being submerged underwater. Creatures within the shape may swim or walk through it as appropriate. As a simple action, the wielder may move the shape up to three meters. While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder may, as a simple action, add or alter a current within the shape. All attacks attempting to pass through the water suffer an adjustment penalty determined by the narrator based on the volume and current of the water being traversed.
Ice Armor
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, compresses the water in the atmosphere to create a tremendously dense layer of ice that reduces all non-ballistic damage dealt to the wielder by an amount equal to the manifestation’s power. The durability, integrity, and PV of the armor is equal to the power of the manifestation. While maintained, at the beginning of the weilder’s turn, the integrity of Ice Armor is restored back to full.
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Special
Description: Calls forth a massive amount of water, and the wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Downpour: The wielder creates a deluge centered on a 1-meter area within range. The AoE water spreads from the center and performs a slam attack against all creatures within the AoE. The strength of the slam attack is power x 2 and pushes outward from the point of impact.
- Flood: The wielder floods the surrounding area, creating difficult terrain for all land-based creatures.
Crush Resistance
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder is able to strengthen the water cohesion within their own body to improve their ability to resist the crushing pressures of deep water past 300m. The wielder can comfortably tolerate underwater depths of 100 meters per power as though they were just below the surface. This manifestation also grants the wielder resistance to melee damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Aquatic Step
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder performs a jump action, increasing the distance by one meter per power. Additionally, they may choose to descend onto a point within the effect range, creating a wave of water that slams downward onto a target adjacent to where the wielder lands, making a slam attack with strength equal to the power of the manifestation x 2. As a move action, the wielder may choose to walk on an existing water surface. Per the narrator’s discretion, the calmness of the water determines the amount of power required to cast the manifestation.
Atmospheric Deflection
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, manipulates atmospheric moisture to create a deflection effect to incoming ballistic attacks. All ballistic damage targeting the wielder is reduced by the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Hyper-compress atmospheric water to create a superheated steam attack that causes lethal heat damage equal to the manifestation’s power.
Note: This manifestation cannot be used to ignite flammable sources.
Ritual of the Mariner
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Power x 10
Description: While maintained, the wielder manipulates the tides and currents to facilitate or hinder the sailing or piloting of aquatic vehicles. The power of the manifestation creates a left or right shift to all rolls related to maritime or water-based skill checks.
Neptune’s Strength
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Bolsters the wielder’s strength, adding the power of the manifestation to their strength rating.
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 20
AoE: Power
Description: Creates a whirling vortex in the middle of a body of water. The radius of the maelstrom is equal to the power of the manifestation. At the start of their turn, all creatures in the range must make an appropriate water-based skill check vs the power of the manifestation or be moved 5m toward the center of the vortex. If caught in the maelstrom’s vortex, creatures suffer blunt damage equal to the power of the manifestation and must make a swim check vs the power of the manifestation or are sucked down towards the effect. Pilots of water craft use their piloting skill when attempting to escape the AoE of the manifestation or are dragged down beneath the water’s surface, suffering integrity damage equal to 10x the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: 1 Meter
Description: Creates a brief hyper-compression that deals heat damage equal to Power x 2 in a 1 meter area.
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Special
Description: Creates a crushing wall of water 3 meters high and up to the manifestation’s power wide. The wave deals stun damage, equal to Power x 2, to all creatures in range and performs a tackle attack equal to the manifestation’s Power x 3.
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: 4 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: While underwater, generate a shock wave of force that causes ballistic damage equal to 2x power. While outside of water, it causes blunt damage equal to the power of the manifestation.
Water Elemental
Tier: 9
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Special
Description: creates an elemental of pure water that follows the commands of the wielder. The water elemental has a movement speed of 4 meters for concurrent, 12 meters for simple, and sprint for 30 meters. When the elemental is dismissed or is dispelled, it momentarily freezes solid before exploding, sending razor-sharp shards of ice outward in a 5-meter radius and dealing lethal damage. See BESTIARY.
Avatar of Water
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, the wielder infuses their body with the power of the water and gains the following effects:
- The wielder can use Tidal Step as a simple action.
- They can manipulate local tides and bodies of water up to 1L of water per power of the manifestation x3.
- All melee and ballistic damage is reduced equal to the power of the manifestation.
- They gain strength equal to the power of the manifestation x2.
While the manifestation is maintained, the wielder loses 2 Will points per round.

Identify Nature
Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder can identify elements of both flora and fauna. The more power the wielder channels into the manifestation, the more information she can ascertain.
Power | Information Revealed |
1-3 | The name of the plant or animal. For example, “This is an Elm tree.” |
4-6 | General information about the plant or animal. For example, “The Nightjar is a nocturnal bird, typically native to British Columbia and as far south as Northern Mexico. Unlike other birds in the region, Nightjars are exclusively insectivores. |
7-10 | The health and well-being of a plant or animal. |
11-17 | If there is an illness, disease, or abnormality the wielder can identify its cause and the best way to treat it. |
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder gains partial concealment while stationary and an adjustment bonus to all sneak rolls equal to the manifestation’s power.
Nature’s Stride
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder compels nature to allow her to move swiftly through the biome. This may take any form the wielder wishes, so long as it’s appropriate to the current environment. For example, giant lily pads might bloom across the surface of the water just long enough for the wielder to sprint across.
The wielder gains an adjustment bonus to their sprint roll equal to the power of the manifestation. The wielder also gains this adjustment when making a check vs difficult terrain.
Bounty of Nature
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 100
Description: The wielder is able to locate the closest sources of clean water or edible food. The wielder is able to roughly determine the quantity, but not quality, of the bounty.
Note: The wielder cannot locate specific items.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder transfigures a stick (or an equivalent natural object appropriate to their environment) into a 1H or 2H blunt weapon with a durability rating equal to the manifestation’s power and integrity of 2x power.
Hunter’s Stealth
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder wills the surrounding environment to obscure the presence and passage of all within the AoE. While this manifestation is maintained, any unintentional effects from passing, such as a footprint, bent grass, displaced detritus, etc, are prevented or erased.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Special
Description: Creates a sanctuary for rest and revitalization, making the surrounding area more readily habitable, allowing creatures to rest as though they were in ideal conditions.
Additionally, this manifestation also creates a perimeter alarm, alerting the wielder and all inhabitants when the threshold has been crossed.
This area of this manifestation can accommodate one creature for every 2 points of power spent.
Natural Remedy
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 100
Description: The wielder is directed to the nearest source of naturally occurring medicinal resources, such as medicinal plants, herbs, and other naturally occurring elements, to aid in the treatment of injury, illness, disease, or poison.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 5
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder chooses a target within line of sight and gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation’s power to all tracking and perception rolls made while in pursuit of the target while the manifestation is maintained.
Heightened Sense
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder chooses one sense to enhance and, in addition to any storytelling effects, gains a number of right shifts equal to the manifestation’s power to their perception checks when using said enhanced sense.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2
AoE: 10 meters
Special: Permanence: 2 Kismet
Description: The wielder causes an explosive growth of the local flora The affected area is considered dangerous terrain. For 2 Kismet, the effects can be made permanent, otherwise, the terrain created will quickly revert when the manifestation ends.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder protects themself or another creature from poisons and infections. While this manifestation is maintained, the target gains right shifts equal to the power of the manifestation to all resistance checks related to poison and disease.
Nature’s Grasp
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 2
AoE: 3 meters
Description: Causes the natural material of the environment to ensnare all creatures caught within the AOE.
On the wielder’s turn, all creatures in the area of effect may make a reflex check vs. the power of the manifestation to see if they can evade the effect. Any creature who fails the reflex roll is held fast. On the creature’s turn, they may make a simple action to perform a cumulative toughness check vs. the manifestation’s power to break free.
Animal Empathy
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder gains a number of right shifts to their animal handling skill rolls equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder imbues her flesh with the strength of stout wood and gains a natural armor rating and durability equal to the manifestation’s power.
Living Wall
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Wal
lDescription: The wielder causes a rapid growth of nature to form a dense wall. While maintained, the wall has a protection rating equal to 2x the power of the manifestation, a durability rating equal to manifestation power, and each meter has integrity equal to 2 x per power.
The wielder may spend 1 kismet per meter to make the wall permanent.
Nature’s Wrath
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 5
Description: The wielder turns the surrounding environment hostile to those around her, dealing damage equal to the power of the manifestation. Trees will lash out with branches and thorny vines. Desert sands will whip up into a stinging cloud. Shards of ice will lance up from snowy mounds, etc.
Fang and Fur
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder takes on one external attribute from an animal of their choosing. For example, they can grow gills to breathe underwater, toe pads to climb flat surfaces, razor-sharp claws, and various other animal effects.
When casting this manifestation, choose 1 animalistic quality from the Extraordinary Variants with a power cost equal to the cost of the variant.
Lay of the Land
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 100
Description: The wielder connects deeply with the natural elements in their current environment and creates a mental map of the area. This includes an awareness of the terrain’s layout, as well as the location of permanent objects and features in direct contact with the natural elements.
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder chooses a target in range and absorbs all current Life and Will point damage and any condition points the target may be suffering from, up to the power of the spell.
Spore and Poison
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder creates a plume of toxic spores or noxious poison, choosing one of the following effects:
- Spore: The wielder issues a stream of toxic spores. Upon casting, the target receives Disease points equal to the manifestation’s power.
- Poison: The wielder spews noxious poison at a target. Upon casting, the target receives Poison points equal to the manifestation’s power.
Communicate with Animals
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder gains the ability to understand and be understood by animals. The individual taxonomy within a given paradigm is subject to the narrator’s discretion.
Commune with Nature
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 100
Description: Enables the wielder to deeply and fundamentally connect with the local environment, extracting vast information from the natural world. This manifestation’s utility spans various biomes; in a forest, the wielder might interpret the whispers of the trees or the scurrying of forest creatures, while in a desert, they could understand the stories told by the shifting sands or the resilient cacti. In an arctic tundra, the manifestation could reveal secrets hidden beneath layers of snow, communicated through the silent endurance of the sparse vegetation and hardy wildlife. The information that can be gathered by this manifestation is limited only by the imagination and the machinations of the Narrator.
Example: Elara, is trying to locate a hidden enemy encampment deep in the jungle. Elara decides to invest her full 20 power into the manifestation, extending her sensory range to 2000 meters.
The narrator describes Elara’s ritual as “Her senses merge with the jungle. She feels the pollution of human presence in a nearby stream, observes a clearing in the dense jungle canopy through a flock of overhead birds, and senses the anguish of trees under the assault of axes. The disturbed undergrowth tells tales of numerous footfalls; one set is significantly larger and heavier than others with a pronounced dragging limp.”
From this information, Elara understands that the enemy camp is fortified by a stout wall upstream to the Northeast. Additionally, Elara learns that Gruthar the Cruel, the party’s target, is present in the encampment.
Tier: 8 Type: Ritual (24 Hours) Range: TouchAoE: TargetSpecial: Casting Cost: 2 Kismet per 10 attribute points of the body being reincarnated
Description: The wielder alters the natural cycle of life and death, choosing one of the following effects:
- Reincarnation: allows the wielder to bring a target back to life as a random creature, determined by the Narrator. The reincarnated character retains their mental attributes but assumes the physical traits of the new creature. This transformation is effectively permanent and can only be reversed by specific interventions. Example: In a dire situation, Alaric uses Reincarnate on Thalen. The Narrator decides that Thalen is reborn as a honey badger. While Thalen retains his mental attributes, he now has the physical characteristics of a honey badger. This permanent change introduces new dynamics and challenges for the party’s adventures.
- Preserve: The wielder captures and stores the essence of a dying being in another living creature. The original character is unplayable until their essence is restored to a suitable form. Example: Lira is mortally wounded. Elara decides to cast Reincarnate to save Lira by storing her essence in a nearby owl. Lira becomes unplayable until her essence can be restored to a human form. This situation presents a unique challenge for the party, as they now must protect the owl and seek a means to bring Lira back.
Nature Elemental
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 10
AoE: Target Location
Description: Creates an avatar of nature. The form of the avatar is influenced by the surrounding landscape; for example, the wielder might create a treant in the woods, an animated cactus in the desert, or a living dust devil in arid regions.
The created elemental possesses Life and Will points equal to twice the manifestation’s power level. When either is reduced to 0, the elemental fades back into natural materials, and the manifestation ends.
Summon Animal
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 50
Description: While maintained, calls forth animal(s) native to the local environment. The wielder can summon up to 10kg worth of animals per point of power. For example, the average female grizzly bear is approximately 160 kg, meaning it would require 16 points minimum to summon.
If the wielder does not put enough power into the manifestation, they will fail to summon the desired creature, but instead will attract something of an appropriate size per the Narrator’s discretion.
While the manifestation is maintained, the summoned creature(s) is inherently friendly towards the wielder with a contact rating equal to twice the power of the manifestation.
This rating reflects the strength of the bond and control the wielder has over the animal. Additionally, by spending XP equal to the contact rating, the wielder can forge a lasting bond with the animal, making the contact points permanent.
Note: This manifestation does not allow you to communicate directly – e.g., through language or telepathy – with the summoned creature.
Tier: 9
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 10
Special: Permanence: XP = Spell power
Description: The wielder transforms the existing environment into a different natural biome of their choosing, spawning a lush jungle in a barren desert, a frigid arctic expanse in a temperate forest, or any other natural biome. The manifestation will work its best to adapt to the surrounding native environment. For example, roots may burst through a city sidewalk, but it will not demolish a building.
While the wielder chooses what type of environment is created, the exact layout is random and wild.
The wielder may choose to make the biome permanent by spending XP equal to the manifestation’s power.
Shape Change
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Special: Casting Cost 5 Kismet
Description: Allows the wielder to transform into any creature they are familiar with. The wielder assumes the form of the creature as well as all related stats and abilities.

Decay Blossom
Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder encourages once-living objects to rapidly decompose. Over the course of an hour, the object decays at a rate of one day for every point of power spent.
Eternal Rest
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder touches a once-living object to protect it from decay. This manifestation can affect 10kg of mass per point of power. While maintained, dead objects do not accumulate additional negative life points.
Useful for extending the shelf life of freshly picked fruit, keeping meat from spoiling, helping cut flowers stay vibrant, or preserving a corpse, and giving your freshly dead friend a little more time for paramedics to show up.
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, a target already with negative life points accumulates an extra -1 life point per round.
Last Rites
Tier: 3
Type: Ritual (12 hours)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Permanence: Kismet x Power
Description: This manifestation allows the wielder to prepare a corpse with one of the following effects:
- Hallow: The corpse is made more resilient to the effects of spiritual or necromantic manipulations. Any attempt to manipulate the corpse is done with an adjustment penalty equal to the power of the ritual.
- Profane: The corpse is made more susceptible to the effects of spiritual or necromantic manipulations. Any attempt to manipulate the corpse is done with an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the ritual.
Death’s Embrace
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: This manifestation targets an individual with the Dying condition. The target must make an Aegis check vs. the power of the manifestation and subtract the result of the check from the power of the manifestation. The target gains negative life points equal to the remaining power.
Tier: 3
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The manifestation decreases the target’s Will. The target must make a toughness check and subtracts the resulting goal points from the power of the manifestation. The target suffers Will damage equal to the manifestation’s remaining power.
Turn Undead
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Uses necrotic energy to repel an undead creature. The wielder targets an undead creature, which must then succeed on a resolve save against the power of the manifestation. If the undead creature fails this save, it cannot come within the manifestation’s range of the wielder for the duration in which the manifestation is maintained.
Find Body
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Special
AoE: Single
Description: Enables the wielder to locate discrete pieces of a corpse. The wielder must have at least one part from the body in order to use this manifestation. While maintained, the wielder can discern the direction of the nearest piece of the body.
Note: Some corpses are prepared to resist such detection. The resistance they possess is subtracted from every roll the wielder makes in attempting to locate them.
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to disrupt healing energies directed at a target. While the manifestation is maintained, any healing the target would receive is reduced by the manifestation’s power.
Resist Necrotic
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Infuses the wielder with resistance to necrotic energy. While maintained, any necrotic effects targeting the wielder are reduced in power by an amount equal to the power of this manifestation.
Greater Turning
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: While maintained, generates a field of necrotic energy around the wielder that forces undead creatures within range to make a resolve check against the manifestation’s power. If the resolve check fails to surpass the manifestation’s power, they must leave the area of effect.
Exploding Corpse
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: 2 x Power x Meters
AoE: 3-meter radius
Description: Infuses a corpse with necrotic energy, triggering an explosion. The explosion deals blunt damage equal to the manifestation’s power to all creatures within 3 meters.
Blight Aura
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: While maintained, creates a field of necrotic energies that interferes with healing energy. All healing attempts targeting creatures within the AoE of BLIGHT AURA are diminished in effectiveness by an amount equal to the manifestation’s power.
Greater Resist Necrotic
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: While maintained, anyone within the manifestation’s range gains resistance to necrotic effects equal to the power of the manifestation.
Command Undead
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 3 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to attempt to bend an undead to their will. The target undead must make a successful resolve check vs the power of the manifestation or be compelled to follow the command of the wielder while the effect is maintained.
During combat using a complex action or once per hour, the affected undead may make a cumulative resolve check. Once the accumulated resolve goal points exceed the power of the manifestation, the control is broken, and the manifestation ends.
Speak with Dead
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained/Ritual
Range: Power x 2 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Enables the wielder to communicate with a corpse. The wielder must know the language of the deceased, and the questions posed to the dead are limited to understanding and observations made during their lifetime.
Recently deceased: While maintained, may communicate with a corpse that has been dead no longer than 1 day for each point of the manifestation power.
Long time dead: Using a ritual with one roll per hour upon completion and while maintained, the wielder may communicate with a corpse deceased for 1 year per point of manifestation power.
Note: Some corpses have been prepared to prevent such molestations, and the resistance that they possess is subtracted from EVERY roll the wielder makes.
Pause Death
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, halts the dying process. When targeting a creature with negative Life points the target stops any further negative life point accumulation. Additionally, disease and poison progression are paused.
The power of the manifestation must be equal to the number of negative Life Points. When the manifestation ends, unless it has been treated, the target will resume the accumulation of negative life points as well as continue to be subjected to any diseases, poisons, or other damage they may have been afflicted with before or while Pause Death is maintained.
Necrotic Rune
Tier: 6
Type: Rune
Range: Touch
AoE: 5-meter radius
Description: Creates a rune of anti-life. When triggered, all healing effects targeting creatures within 5 meters of the rune are reduced by the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to accurately diagnose the condition of a target. While maintained, the wielder adds the manifestation power to all medical intervention rolls.
Destroy Undead
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Directs a potent burst of necrotic energy at an undead creature. The target suffers damage equal to 2x the manifestation’s power.
Animate Dead
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x 3 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to animate a corpse, manipulating it like a puppet. The wielder can control the corpse to perform actions with a maximum skill level equal to the manifestation’s power. The wielder cannot use the corpse to perceive sensory inputs, such as sight or sound.
This animated corpse is not classified as undead. Its physical attributes are reduced to 50% of their original value while alive, to a maximum of the manifestation’s power level.
This manifestation cannot target undead creatures.
Note: Some corpses have been prepared to prevent such molestations, and the resistance that they possess is subtracted from EVERY roll the wielder makes.
Drain Life
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: 2 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder drains a target’s vitality to restore their own. In order to cast this manifestation, the wielder’s Life point total must be less than her maximum.
The target takes necrotic damage equal to the power of the manifestation. The wielder then recovers Life Points equal to the damage dealt, up to her maximum Life Point Total..
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the target’s metabolic processes are slowed down to a rate of 1 ÷ power x 2. This slowdown affects the loss of Life Points, the progression of diseases and poisons, as well as the body’s requirements for food, water, and oxygen.
Create Unlife
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (10 hours/roll)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Cost: 1 Kismet per 5 Attribute/Skill Points
Description: Enables the wielder to create a sentient, self-possessed, permanent undead. During the ritual, the created undead gains a total number of attribute or skill points equal to the power of the manifestation and is distributed per the wielder’s discretion. Distribution of these points should be discussed and agreed upon between the player and the narrator.
Upon completion, the created undead become self-motivated NPCs, controlled by the narrator.
The created undead can understand and, if physically capable, speak the language of the wielder.
Upon creation, the wielder begins a contact rating with the undead equal to the power of the manifestation. This contact score is not static and will change as the wielder interacts with the new unlife.
Note: Some corpses have been prepared to prevent such molestations, and the resistance that they possess is subtracted from EVERY roll the wielder makes.
Raise Dead
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power x Meters
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: 10 Kismet
Description: Brings to unlife a recently dead being, which will remain animated while RAISE DEAD is maintained.
The corpse can be dead no longer than 1 day per point of manifestation power. The physical attributes of the animated corpse are 50% of what they were while alive, to a maximum of the manifestation’s power x 2.
Each round requires a simple action to command the minion; if the wielder chooses not to spend the action, the minion will continue to carry out the last action given. For example, if the minion was directed to attack a target and was not given a new command, it will continue to attack the same target, even if it’s already dead.
Note: Some corpses have been prepared to prevent such molestations, and the resistance that they possess is subtracted from EVERY roll the wielder makes.
Drain Bolt
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2 Meters
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder launches a bolt of life-draining necrotic energy at a target. This manifestation can be cast only when the wielder’s Life point total is below her maximum.
The target takes necrotic damage equal to the power of the manifestation. The wielder then recovers Life Points equal to half the damage dealt, rounded down, up to her maximum Life Point Total.
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Casting Cost: 10 Kismet
Description: The wielder attempts to transform a living sentient into a will-less servant. When the manifestation begins, the target must make a resolve roll vs. the power of the manifestation. If the target fails, they enter into a catatonic state for the duration of the ritual. While in this state, they cannot speak, have no memory, and no longer resemble their past personality.
Upon completion of the ritual, the target becomes Zombified. While Zombified, the target does not suffer exhaustion from a lack of food, water, or sleep. But the affected creature is still a living creature and will eventually need food, water, and rest, otherwise, it can literally work itself to death. The affected will perform simple commands and tasks, assuming that they understand the language of the commands.
The target may make a cumulative resolve roll per day, subtracting the results from the total number of ritual points generated by the wielder. When the resolve total exceeds the ritual total, the manifestation ends.
Once a character has broken free of the effects, they cannot be re-zombified.
Siphon Kismet
Tier: 9
Type: Maintained
Range: self
AoE: Radius x Power
Description: While maintained, the wielder creates a fate-draining aura around themselves and is able to absorb 50% of any kismet spent while within the radius of the effect up to a maximum of the power of the manifestation x 2.
This effect cannot replenish the wielder’s kismet past its max.
Tier: *
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: This manifestation costs 1 Kismet per attribute points of the body being resurrected.
Description: The wielder performs a ritual to resurrect the long-dead. Pulling a spirit from beyond the veil is no easy feat; each roll of this ritual represents 4 hours of the wielder’s concentration.
The manifestation requires some amount of viable body tissue of the deceased, such as a fragment of bone, a blood-stained strip of cloth, a lock of hair, etc. and the more of the original body the wielder has access to, the easier the ritual becomes.
To calculate the goal points required to resurrect a body:
- 2000 x years dead (min 1).
- Divides number by % of the body remaining- Note the body does not need to be in one piece.
Example: A party member was caught in a terrible explosion. Their body armor was enough to protect the head and torso, leaving the rest of the body little more than a gory smear. The narrator estimates that the party has about 40% of the corpse in their possession.
2000 ÷ 40 = 50
2000 x 1 (less than a year deceased)
Relentless Investigation
Tier: 1
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Imbues the wielder with heightened investigative prowess drawing her attention to details and clues that might otherwise remain unnoticed. Provides an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation, to perception, investigation, and research rolls.
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 10
Description: Locates a specific object within range. This can range from general descriptions like “a ballpoint pen” to highly specific ones like “bullets compatible with my gun.”
While the manifestation pinpoints the object’s location, it does not provide guidance on how to access it. If an item is shielded by metaphysical warding, the manifestation’s strength must surpass the ward to successfully locate the item.
Hidden Message
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Creates a metaphysically encrypted message, readable only to those that meet the qualifications designated by the wielder, choosing one of the following effects:
- Arcane Note: The wielder inscribes a note with a length of one word per manifestation power on any solid surface at a size of their choosing. This note remains invisible and undetectable except to the wielder or designated recipients.
- Hidden Subtext: The wielder writes a mundane missive or message within which a secret, metaphysically encoded text is embedded. This hidden message can only be deciphered by individuals chosen by the wielder during the creation of the text. The wielder may write one sentence per point of the power of the manifestation.
Read Object
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder learns basic data about an object; composition, maker, recent users, function, etc. This manifestation can only allow the wielder to gather data that they can inherently understand. If the item is warded, the wielder must surpass the strength of the ward. Any remaining points from surpassing the ward determines the manifestation’s strength. While maintained, the wielder can ask a question to the object as a simple action.
Note: The questions being asked may only pertain to the object and its history.
Tier: 3
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to glean significant information about an item: its past locations, previous owners, metaphysical properties, uses, etc. The wielder can ask one question pertaining to the object per point of the manifestation’s power. If the item is warded, the wielder must surpass the strength of the ward. Any remaining points from surpassing the ward determine the manifestation’s strength.
Read Language
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Line of sight
Description: While maintained, grants the ability to comprehend and read written text in languages unknown to them, provided the wielder can physically discern the words. The wielder can comprehend one language per every 2 points of manifestation strength. This manifestation does not translate spoken language and requires a clear line of sight to the text. For example, a text written in an unfamiliar alphabet could be deciphered whereas ink washed away by rain would not.
Expedient Scribe
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Special: Permanence: 1 Kismet per Page
Description: Allows the wielder to copy any text or speech the wielder can read or hear. The transcribed content remains as long as the manifestation is maintained but can be made permanent with the expenditure of kismet, at a rate of one page per point of kismet. The resulting writing is mundane and not metaphysical in nature.
Missive Scrambling Technique
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Special: Permanence: 1 Kismet per Page
Description: Allows the wielder to alter the messaging of a written document, changing its meaning and intent. The manifestation demands that the wielder can read and comprehend the original message. The difficulty and required power to alter a document successfully depend on the document’s age. The manifestation can be used to either maintain the altered state for a period or permanently change the document at a rate of 1 kismet per page.
Document’s Age | Power |
Freshly Drafted | 3 |
Drafted < 1 week | 5 |
Drafted < 1 month | 7 |
Drafted < 1 year | 10 |
Drafted < 10 years | 13 |
Drafted < 100 years | 17 |
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: Grants the ability to comprehend an object’s function, usage, and assembly process. This manifestation is particularly useful for understanding and operating devices or mechanisms that are otherwise unfamiliar to the wielder. The complexity of the object that can be understood is directly proportional to the manifestation’s strength.
While maintaining the manifestation, the wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation power to use the item.
Complexity | Power |
Simple (no moving parts) | 2 |
Minor (simple moving parts) | 3 |
Moderate (two-stage moving parts) | 5 |
Major (multiple precise moving parts) | 7 |
Convoluted workings (powered devices, ie., electrical, steam, combustion, arcane) | 10 |
Advanced (something from the future) | 13 |
Beyond comprehension (alien artifact) | 17 |
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder gains the ability to diagnose the issues in a system, be it mundane, metaphysical, or organic. The manifestation reveals the reasons behind malfunctions, inefficiencies, or suboptimal performance.
The wielder gains an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation to all diagnostics and repair skill checks.
Tier: 5
Type: Instant
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 1 km
Description: Guides the wielder to a specific location they have previously visited, seen in a photograph, or had described to them in detail, calculating the most direct route to the chosen destination.
If the location has been metaphysically warded, the power of the manifestation must be equal or greater than the power of the ward for Guide to work.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, provides the wielder with a nuanced awareness into the disposition, motivations, and predilections of another, and the wielder becomes adept at navigating the complex social landscapes, discerning hidden motives, and adapting their approach to suit the nuances of an individual. The wielder chooses one of the following effects:
- Socialite: Enhances the wielder’s ability to engage others with tact and charm. This effect provides a bonus to etiquette, charm, oration, and read-non-verbal, providing a right skill shift equal to the power of the manifestation.
- Interrogator: The wielder becomes adept at extracting information using intimidation, providing a right skill shift equal to the power of the manifestation.
Quick Study
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Enables the wielder to assimilate information at a remarkable speed. The depth of understanding is limited by the wielder’s inherent ability to comprehend the subject matter and the knowledge gained from this manifestation remains with the wielder only as long as the manifestation is maintained.
The wielder gains a number of skill points equal to the power of the manifestation towards any skill that they have had opportunity to study or observe in use.
Unplain Speak
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Self / Target
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder to hold a conversation with a chosen target, creating the illusion condition with a rating equal to the manifestation’s power, where the actual dialogue is cloaked under the guise of a mundane exchange. The intended recipient hears the wielder’s true words, while to any casual outside listener or eavesdropper, the conversation appears to be trivial or irrelevant. Observant listeners are allowed a resistance check against the illusion to discern that the conversation is not as it seems.
Arcane Perception
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 2
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder to extend any of their senses within the area of effect. Perception checks are made as normal within the conditions and context of the situation.
Living Wall
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Wal
lDescription: The wielder causes a rapid growth of nature to form a dense wall. While maintained, the wall has a protection rating equal to 2x the power of the manifestation, a durability rating equal to manifestation power, and each meter has integrity equal to 2 x per power.
The wielder may spend 1 kismet per meter to make the wall permanent.
Detect Lie
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Grants the wielder a sense as to the truthfulness of a statement made by another. When manifested, the wielder asks a question and the target must roll their Aegis score, subtracting any goal points from the power of the spell. If any power remains, the wielder is alerted if the response is truthful or not. The manifestation does not reveal the truth of the statement; it simply indicates whether or not the speaker believes they are telling the truth.
Parrot Tongue / Natural Local
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: Attunes the wielder to nuances of the spoken word, and they choose one of the following effects:
- Parrot Tongue: After listening to a target speak for at least one minute, the wielder can perfectly imitate their voice, dialect, and inflection.
- Natural Local: The wielder adopts the dialect, mannerisms, and customs of an observed group.
Discerning the wielder’s authenticity requires an awareness check vs the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Hampers the target’s ability to communicate. The target must succeed in a Resolve check vs the power of the manifestation and failure prevents them from communicating effectively through any means, including speech, writing, drawing, body language, gestures, etc.
Know Person
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Target
Description: This manifestation empowers the wielder to discern an extraordinary level of personal information about an individual through mere casual observation. This can include insights into the person’s habits, personality, recent activities, and potentially even deeper secrets or hidden aspects of their life, depending on the manifestation’s power.
The level of information revealed is relative to the manifestation’s power, as well as the narrator’s discretion. Not every character will give up their secrets so readily, aka Plot Armor.
True Sight
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Self
Description: While maintained, endows the wielder with the ability to see the true nature of their surroundings; this includes perceiving invisible entities, objects concealed by magic, and seeing through illusions, etc.
To penetrate an illusion, the wielder must succeed in a contested roll using the manifestation’s power vs the rating of the obfuscation or illusion.
Oath Binding
Tier: 7
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
AoE: Two Willing Individuals
Special: Casting Cost: XP x Power
Description: The wielder metaphysically binds participants to an agreement where the terms and consequences for breaching are established. If either party violates the oath, all parties including the wielder are immediately made aware of the breach. Any attempt to dispel this manifestation is considered a breach of the oath.
Communicate with Object
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder to engage in conversation with a non-living object within the manifestations AoE. The manifestation imbues the chosen object with a temporary intelligence, the level of which is equal to the manifestation’s power. This intelligence does not impart knowledge beyond what the object has “experienced” or “witnessed” in its existence.
Explosive Outburst
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder creates a cacophony of nonsensical sounds and bewildering visual effects, overwhelming the senses of all creatures within the AoE. Creates the daze condition with a rating equal to 2x the power of the manifestation.
Find Person
Tier: 8
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Power x Km
AoE: Target
Description: Enables the wielder to discern the current location of a specific individual. The manifestation’s efficacy varies based on the wielder’s familiarity with the person or any physical connection they might have to them, and the more intimate the knowledge or the stronger the physical connection (such as possessing a personal item or a part of the person), the more accurate the manifestation’s result. Conversely, a lack of connection or vague knowledge might result in less precise information.
Condition | Power |
Knows the target well or the wielder has a physical piece of the target. | 10 |
Has met the person or the wielder has an item intimate to the target. | 17 |
The target has been described in great detail, or the target has an item intimate to the wielder. | 24 |
The wielder has only seen a picture or been given a basic description | 34 |
Voice of Command
Tier: 8
Type: Instant
Range: Power x 2
AoE: Target
Description: Allows the wielder to exert control over an individual’s behavior or thoughts through meticulously chosen words and intonations. Requires the wielder to have studied their target.
Each use of this manifestation allows the wielder to make a single, persuasive sentence. The target of this manifestation must then succeed in a resist roll against the manifestation’s power x 2. Failure to resist results in the target feeling compelled to act on or believe the statement made by the wielder.
Universal Language
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, creates a metaphysical field around the wielder, within which all sentient beings can understand and communicate with each other, regardless of their native languages or modes of expression.
Ward Rune
Tier: 8
Type: Rune
Range: Touch
AoE: 5 meters
Special: Permanence: XP = Power
Description: Creates a protective barrier against observation, both mundane and metaphysical, the rating of which is determined by the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 9
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power x 10 km
Description: while maintained, grants the wielder the ability to observe a specific creature, object, or location from a great distance, and once contact is established, the wielder can maintain the connection to continue observation.
If the target is warded, the wielder makes a contested roll using the strength of the manifestation vs the strength of the ward.
Learn Story
Tier: *
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Self
AoE: Line of sight
Description: The ritual allows the wielder to uncover the intricate story of a location, object, or creature. The wielder is able to delve into the past, revealing events, identities, and motivations with remarkable clarity. The manifestation requires a contested roll against the warded target.
The amount of historical detail and the timeframe accessible depend on the manifestation’s power:
History | Power |
Up to 1 Day | 6 points |
Up to one week | 10 points |
Up to one month | 17 points |
Up to 1 year | 25 points |
Up to 2 Years | 34 points |
Up to 5 Years | 46 points |
Up to 10 Years | 60 points |
Up to 25 Years | 78 points |
Up to 100 Years | 100 points |
Tier: 1
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to discern the emotional state of the target, making a read non-verbal skill roll with an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation.
Dread Visage
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, the wielder receives an adjustment bonus to their intimidation skill rolls equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 2
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder receives an adjustment bonus to their charm skill rolls adding the power of the manifestation to the roll.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Bombards a target with a series of minor illusions that distort the target’s perception of reality. The target suffers distraction points equal to the manifestation’s power.
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self or Touch
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder alters the appearance of a target. The wielder must touch either the target (or herself) she intends to glamor with the Illusion condition with a rating equal to the power of the manifestation.
The wielder may alter any and all visual attributes of the target. For example, she could make herself appear taller or shorter, younger or older, and any possible combination in between. However, while this manifestation affects all visual attributes, it does not affect her actual physical dimensions. While she may make herself appear to be shorter than she really is, she will still have to duck under low-hanging branches, which may draw some unwanted attention from a perceptive onlooker.
Improve Instincts
Tier: 3
Type: Maintained
Range: Self or Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder fools the target into being better/faster/smarter than they are, adding an adjustment bonus equal to the manifestation’s power to any instinct of the wielder’s choosing.
Shape Emotion
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder manipulates the emotions of a target, making them feel something they wouldn’t otherwise be feeling or strengthening a current emotion to a much higher intensity. The target may make a cumulative resolve check vs. the power of the manifestation to resist the effects.
Tier: 4
Type: Ritual (10 minutes)
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Inflicts a sleeping creature with a terrible nightmare. The target no longer benefits from a rest period and suffers exhausted status until they can rest properly.
Mind Spike
Tier: 4
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Deals stun damage equal to the power of the manifestation x 2. This manifestation can affect anything with sentience.
Project Self
Tier: 4
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 10
Description: While maintained, creates an illusion of the wielder that can move independently from the wielder. The wielder may, as a concurrent action, move the illusion up to its total max movement rating or declare what action the illusion appears to be performing with the limitation that it cannot interact with its environment.
This effect has an illusion rating equal to the power of the manifestation.
Project Fear
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Creates an illusion of the viewer’s greatest fear. At the beginning of every round that a creature can see the illusion, they must make a resolve check vs the power of the manifestation, accruing fear points equal to the power of the manifestation minus the total number of goal points the creature generated on their resolve check.
Shape Dream
Tier: 5
Type: Ritual (1 hour)
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder shapes and influences the dreams of a target. While conducting the ritual, the wielder can shape and influence the target’s dream, imprinting emotions, messages, or ideas to the target.
When the target wakes, the memory of the dream is quite vivid, as are the impressions left behind by the wielder.
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: Creates an illusion that projects both light and sound.
Mind Shield
Tier: 5
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder reduces the amount of Will damage taken equal to the power of the manifestation.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, the wielder adds the power of the manifestation to their contact rating with the target.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: The wielder channels soporific energy into an area to attempt to induce sleep. All creatures in the affected area must make a resolve roll vs power or fall asleep.
While the manifestation is maintained, affected creatures must make an awareness roll to awaken normally when exposed to something that would normally rouse them from sleep.
If the manifestation is not maintained, affected creatures are simply asleep and will wake up normally by external stimuli.
True Sight
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power
Description: While maintained, all creatures in the AoE are unaffected by any illusion that is equal to or less than the power of True Sight. For any illusions that surpass the power of True Sight, the creatures gain an adjustment bonus equal to the power of the manifestation to their resistance checks against the illusion.
Tier: 6
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 10
Description: Creates an illusion that alters the surrounding landscape. This illusion looks and behaves as though it were real in terms of how it applies to the senses. For example, if the wielder created a bog, creatures approaching the illusion would smell damp, fetid air, and it would feel as though their boots were sinking into the muck.
Read Thoughts
Tier: 6
Type: Instant
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder attempts to glean a surface thought from a target. The target must make a resolve check vs the power of the manifestation, and if they fail, the wielder is granted insight into the target’s current thinking or motive. The wielder’s player may ask the narrator or player controlling the target a yes or no question. The response must be honest, inasmuch as the target believes it to be so.
If the target succeeds their resolve test, they are aware of the wielder’s attempts to probe their mind.
Tier: 7
Type: Instant
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: Inflicts a target with retrograde amnesia. The target may make a resolve check vs the power of the manifestation. For every point of power remaining in the manifestation, the target forgets up to 5 minutes of the immediate past.
These memories may be restored through other metaphysical or medical means.
Dream Walk
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, allows the wielder and companions to enter the dreams of a sleeping target. The wielder may allow one companion per two points of the manifestation.
Note: We will not begin to attempt to define the shape and nature of dreams. However, from a playability standpoint, we recommend that if the entire party is not within the dream that events be handled with a 1:1 timing, matching the flow of time outside the dream.
Please be careful, as other people’s dreams can be a dangerous place.
Illusion Rune
Tier: 7
Type: Rune
Range: Touch
AoE: 5 Meter
Description: While maintained, creates a rune that, when triggered, creates the Phantasm manifestation within a 5-meter radius. The wielder defines what the illusion will look like when the manifestation is cast.
Tier: 7
Type: Maintained
Range: Special
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder may communicate directly into the mind of another creature. The wielder may target any sentient, living creature within line of sight or any sentient living creature with whom they have a minimum contact rating of 3, regardless of distance.
While this manifestation is maintained, the creature being targeted at the time may also respond telepathically.
Command / Control
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: Attempts to compel the target into taking a specific action using one of the following options:
- Command: The target regards the wielder as though they had a contact rating equal to the power of the manifestation x 2.
- Control: The target must make a resolve test vs. the power of the manifestation or perform the commanded action. This can be something the target would not be inclined to do naturally, including self-harm or violating a direct loyalty. In lieu of a resist roll, the target may choose to take stun damage equal to 2x the power of the manifestation.
Note: Getting a guard to abandon his post is one thing. Forcing the guard to turn against his liege lord is something different altogether. The further outside the realm of what the target would do naturally, the harder it is for the manifestation to be successful. Narrators should apply an appropriate number of shifts to the resistance roll of the target in relation to the nature of the request.
Mind Prison
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Touch
AoE: Target
Description: While maintained, traps a target within their own mind. The target must make a resolve check versus the Power of the manifestation or be placed in a catatonic state.
Once trapped, the target makes an extended contested resolve check vs the power of the manifestation. When the target accumulates a number of goal points greater than the power of the manifestation, it ends.
Shape Reality
Tier: 8
Type: Maintained
Range: Power
AoE: Power x 10
Description: Creates a massive illusion that is capable of producing effects such as light, sound, textures, heat, smells, and more, with an Illusion rating of 2x the manifestation’s power.
Observers believe in this illusion so much that they can be damaged by the illusion, should the illusion present an actual hazard capable of doing so. Affected creatures take stun damage as appropriate to the illusion, up to the power of the manifestation.
Control Memory
Tier: 9
Type: Ritual
Range: Power
AoE: Target
Description: The wielder performs a ritual to affect the memories of a target with one of the following options:
- Alter a specific memory or set of memories of the target. An unwilling person may make a resolve check against the power of the manifestation to attempt to preserve their memories. If the target fails, the wielder may alter some details of the memory. For example, the wielder may corrupt the precise sequence of a launch code or obscure their physical description from the memory of a witness attempting to describe them.
- Recall a memory, including those that have been blocked, repressed, or metaphysically altered.
Mind Palace
Tier: *
Type: Maintained
Range: Self
AoE: Self
Description: The wielder is able to access a mental refuge that houses their thoughts and memories with exact and perfect detail. Every day after this manifestation has been learned is perfectly cataloged without the need of a Kismet or XP cost.
The mind palace may be shaped however the wielder wishes and may be changed or altered as they desire. Every memory housed within the mind palace may be recalled perfectly and interacted with as the wielder chooses.
While in the mind palace, the wielder is resilient to mind effects and gains 3x the power of the manifestation added to any resolve roll. When the character is not actively in their mind palace, they gain the benefit of MIND SHIELD equal to the power of the manifestation.
While in the mind palace, the wielder’s body is immobile, and the wielder has complete control over their autonomic functions. As a simple action, the wielder can switch between the mind palace and their body.
Mind palaces can be linked and communicate with each other. The wielder must have a minimum contact rating of 3 with the owner of another mind palace in order to create this link.
All self-affecting mind manifestation while in the mind palace automatically succeeds without the need to resolve the cast. The wielder must still address backlash per usual.