Greetings fellow storytellers,
It has been brought to my attention that a number of our readers have expressed concern over the low volume of content in our resource sections. For those of you just tuning into our program:
“Spectrum houses our list of resources using “living documents” on the Black Coffee Games website. The goal behind the use of living documents is to allow Spectrum to be as dynamic and adaptable as possible. Our crack shot dev team can add new resources in real time, as new paradigms are introduced and as these documents grow old rules can be adapted for better game balance, without having to change the core mechanics or wait for “the next edition”.
Because Spectrum is designed to work with every possible genre and paradigm, there are many resources provided that will not be appropriate for your game. For example, a Tolkienesque medieval fantasy setting would likely have no use for the Computers or Handgun techniques. That is not to say that it could not be incorporated, if the Narrator decided to blend genres.”
Of the concerns sent to us, my personal favorite observation comes from ilovedevilledegg27, which reads,
“Hey bro! How am I supposed to play an aluminum siding salesman who develops super aluminum siding powers from a freak accident involving a truck load of aluminum siding, if you don’t have rules for aluminum siding?!?!?”
Please allow me to start by apologizing to ilovedeviledeggs27 for the egregious oversight on our part for underestimating the importance of providing the stats for aluminum siding in our initial open beta release. We failed you, our players and our fans, and we are truly sorry.
But nearly as important, I wanted to assure all of the 132 people who have actually looked at out website, that starting just after New Years we will begin the release of an impressive number of resources, a flood of free content that everyone should be very pleased with. The process requires us to playtest before we expose these resources to the public. But by the end of that run, you should be looking at a total of 290 completely discrete spells, 400 techniques, 150 “monsters”, 100 entities (that’s what we call our NPCs), 50+ traits, and more gear than I presently care to count, and of course the rules for aluminum siding (again, our bad).
Stefan Hannevig